Why it's done
A coronary calcium scan is done to check for calcium in the arteries that supply the heart. It can help diagnose early coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease is a common heart condition. A buildup of calcium, fats, and other substances in the heart arteries is often the cause. This buildup is called plaque. Plaque collects slowly over time, long before there are any symptoms of coronary artery disease.
A coronary calcium scan uses a series of X-rays to take pictures that can see if there's plaque that contains calcium.
This test might be done if:
You have a strong family history of early coronary artery disease.
Your risk for heart attacks is intermediate, not low or high.
Your level of risk of heart attacks is uncertain.
A coronary calcium scan may help:
Understand your risk of heart disease.
Plan treatment if you have a low to moderate risk of heart disease or if your heart disease risk isn't clear.
A coronary calcium scan is not recommended as a general screening test for those known to be at high risk for heart attacks.
It also isn't suggested if you have had a heart attack, a heart stent, or coronary bypass surgery — because other tests or procedures that are done for those events show the heart arteries.
Ask your Cardiologist team if a coronary calcium scan is right for you.